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lift car中文是什么意思

用"lift car"造句"lift car"怎么读"lift car" in a sentence


  • 电梯厢
  • 轿厢
  • 升降车
  • 升降机机厢
  • 升降机厢
  • "lift"中文翻译    vt. 1.举起,使升起,提起,抬起;提高;提升。 2. ...
  • "car"中文翻译     car2 adj. 〔苏格兰语〕 1.惯用左 ...
  • "car lift" 中文翻译 :    车辆提升机; 举车器; 汽车电梯; 汽车升隆机; 升车机
  • "balance car lift" 中文翻译 :    天平车升降器
  • "four-post car lift" 中文翻译 :    四柱汽车举升器
  • "get into (the lift ,car)" 中文翻译 :    进电梯,上小汽车
  • "lift car apron" 中文翻译 :    升降机地挡板
  • "lift car door" 中文翻译 :    升降机间电梯门
  • "lift one end of car" 中文翻译 :    顶车
  • "lift-type car park" 中文翻译 :    升降式车库
  • "personnel lift car" 中文翻译 :    人员升降车
  • "in a lift" 中文翻译 :    乘电梯
  • "lift" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.举起,使升起,提起,抬起;提高;提升。 2.使高尚;鼓舞。 3.运送,搬运;空运 ( = airlift). 4.偷窃;偷去;抄袭,剽窃。 5.起出,拔起;掘出;拔营。 6.(把板球等)向高空击去。 7.〔美国〕清偿;赎出,赎取(典押物)。 8.解除,撤除,撤消。 lift that parcel down the shelf 把那包东西从架上拿下来。 lift weights 举重。 Mount Chomolungma lifts its cone into the clouds. 珠穆朗玛峰顶高耸入云。 lift the tariff 〔美国〕提高税率。 His wallet was lifted. 他的皮夹子被人扒走了。 lift a passage from the book 从书中剽窃一段文字。 lift a mortgage 偿付抵押债款。 lift the ban on 解除对…的禁令。 lift the curfew. 撤消宵禁。 vi. 1.被提高,升起。 2.消散。 3.水涨船高,(船)乘浪升高。 4.(地面)隆起。 5.耸立。 The window will not lift. (往上提起的)窗子开不开。 The fog lift. 雾消散。 lift off 【航空】起飞。 lift one's hat (把帽子从头上拿起一下)脱帽致敬。 lift sb.'s face 用美容术伸平面皱,为某人整容。 lift up 提起来,上升。 lift up a cry 高声大叫。 lift up one's [the] eyes[face] 仰望,注视;祈祷。 lift up one's [the] feet 快去援救。 lift (up) one's [the] hand 1. (举手)起誓。 2. 祈祷。 lift (up) one's [the] hand against 反叛,攻击,压制。 lift up one's head 抬头;(因自信,得意等)昂起头来;狂喜。 lift up one's [the] heel 不以礼相待。 lift up with pride 得意扬扬。 n. 1. 举起;抬高;提升,搬起。 2.高昂的姿态。 3.情绪昂扬,精神振奋。 4.(一次)举重量,起重量;【矿物】(一次)采掘量。 5.【机械工程】扬力,(水泵)扬程;【航空】升力,浮力。 6.〔英国〕电梯;吊车;升降机 ( = 〔美国〕 elevator)。 7.起重机;千斤顶。 8.鞋后跟皮的一层。 9.土地的隆起,小丘。 10.(雾等的)消散。 11.帮助,帮忙,照顾。 a lift in cost 费用[成本]提高。 walk with the proud lift of one's head 昂首阔步。 a lift of sheet steel 一次吊起的钢板。 give sb. a lift 给某人以鼓励;帮某人的忙;在半路上让某人搭自己的车;扶某人上车。 a dead lift (不用起重机等机械)用人力硬搬;〔比喻〕费力的艰巨任务。 liftback 斜车顶开启式小轿车〔车顶倾斜并可向上开启的轿车〕。
  • "on the lift" 中文翻译 :    虚弱地
  • "a car" 中文翻译 :    一辆轿车; 一辆小轿车
  • "by car" 中文翻译 :    (开)乘汽车; 乘小汽车; 坐汽车; 坐小车; 坐小汽车
  • "car" 中文翻译 :     CAR = 1.civil air regulations 民航条例。 2.controlled avalanche rectifier 可控雪崩整流器。 n. 1.车辆;(小)汽车;电车。 2.(火车)车厢;〔英国〕运货马车;〔诗〕战车,凯旋门;(飞艇,电梯等的)吊舱。 a dining car(火车上的)餐车。 a freight car货车。 beat the car 〔美国〕非常地,厉害地。 by car乘电车;乘汽车。 take a car乘(电)车。 the car of the sun 〔诗〕日轮,太阳。 the cars 〔美国〕列车,火车。 vi. 坐汽车去。 car it 〔美国〕坐汽车旅行。 n. -ful 一车之量。 adj. -less 没有汽车的。 car2 adj. 〔苏格兰语〕 1.惯用左手的。 2.不吉利的;不自然的。
  • "in a car" 中文翻译 :    乘汽车
  • "in the car" 中文翻译 :    在轿车里
  • "is that a car" 中文翻译 :    那是一辆汽车吗?; 那是一辆小汽车吗
  • "on a car" 中文翻译 :    也不是
  • "that is a car" 中文翻译 :    那是一辆小汽车吗?
  • "the car" 中文翻译 :    出车外; 幽灵号恐怖车
  • "lift by lift" 中文翻译 :    分层浇筑
  • "by car by car" 中文翻译 :    坐轿车


  • Lift cars and escalators
  • Passenger lifts and service lifts - guide rails for lift cars and counterweights - t - type iso 7465 : 2001
    乘客电梯和服务电梯.电梯厢和配重导轨. t型
  • Wipe lift cars and escalators , particularly the call buttons and handrails with a 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution at least four times a day
    升降机内部及扶手电梯应以1 : 99稀释家用漂白水拭抹,最少每天四次,特别注意按钮及扶手。
  • He put down the newspapers , and told me where the adobes were , where the bricks were , where the lift car was , and led me to warehouse to get a shovel , a small barrel , and a tile , several iron lines for grate
  • The department also took the initiative to switch off four of the 9 light bulbs installed in each of our 10 lift cars inside our zone in immigration tower to save electricity . immigration tower saw a reduction in electricity consumption by 0 . 45 per cent in 20022003 compared with that in 20012002
  • Including our cleaning service contractors to enhance the hygienic measures and cleaning services to the public areas . we use sterilizing solvent to wipe surfaces frequently touched by the people such as the lift cars and buttons , door gates , handrails , the intercom system and digital locks at the main lobbies and other locations . in addition , we have placed sterilized carpets at the entrances so that people can wipe their shoes before entering the buildings to help prevent the spread of the virus .
用"lift car"造句  
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